Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Baby Pigeons

"I have heard humans ponder the imponderable question: Why have they never seen a baby pigeon? They have seen huge flocks of us clamoring and jockeying for position around a spread of popped corn or just corn itself on the ground. They never have seen a mother pigeon or a father pigeon ushering his/her offspring to the edge of the feast to get a healthy meal.

They also have never seen a photo of baby pigeons either. This matter-of-factly is because we don't have cameras. Besides, having never seen a baby pigeon, count yourself extremely fortunate. I've seen my share of those homely silly buggers and I've got to say, "Don't ask." They all are the ugliest avian off-spring ever created. Mother pigeons scream, "oh, not again!" when they first see the one or two latest eggs hatch.

Pigeon dads are not the most parental in the first place and when they see the end result of tail feather chasing, they strut all around coo-cooing that THEY cannot be his. "They don't have my eyes, my beak, or my sleek feathers. Girl, who did you sleep with to get that brood?

So in saying that pigeon parents keep their broods hidden high on a ledge until they escape into the world is snot much of a lie."

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